Platformer engine updates (moving platforms)
I haven’t received much feedback on the previous platformer engine articles (part I and part II) but I kept working on some features anyway. So far I implemented slopes, one way platforms and now moving platforms (that move on slopes as well). Moving platforms can carry more than one object and I’ll probably keep adding other new, neat features.

I might find some time to add conveyor belts and write a tutorial in the coming weeks. In the meantime let me know what you think and if you need me to add other features I haven’t thought of.
These articles have been very helpful and informative! Thanks for your effort
Thank you! In the next days I’ll post how I coded these moving platforms. Let me know if you have any issue, request or doubt 🙂
Thanks for your lessons! I’m really looking forward to an article about moving platforms.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m fixing some flaws and improving the overall stability before releasing the article, but rest assured I’m working on it. Pushing blocks, moving platforms (vertical and horizontal), moving platforms that push blocks up and down slopes… and all that stuff altogether. It’s going to take me a while due to my day job but eventually it will come out.
I would like to see platforms pushing the player (like on a gif), but at high speeds, I have problems with this.
Hi Nikles, well done on making an easy to follow and thorough series so far! I’m curious to see how you handled moving platforms – mine seem to be a little finicky when moving on the y axis.
Thank you for the kind words. I’m writing the article so please bear with me! Maybe you already know it but you can subscribe to mail updates to receive new articles directly in the mail; if you prefer, check back here in a couple of weeks (I should be done by then). Unfortunately it’s taking me longer than anticipated, sorry. If you wanna reach out to me on twitter (via DM), I can take a look at your project (if you want to).
This platform system is amazing!! I’m learning a lot with this engine. If you can, bring conveyor belts, ladders, and push boxes.
I’m working on a 2023 refresh and I have just finished coding simple push boxes, ladders and conveyor belts. I will release a github repo and an article in the coming days.