Metroidvania Metroid-like World Design

The Metroidvania Metroid-like game genre, from a development perspective, is quite complex to master. World and level design, for examples, are core elements of the game along with player abilities and game physics. You cannot plan one without the other. This is because player abilities, powerups and game physics, are the very elements that allow the Player…

How I positioned the tileset in my tech demo

In the earlier tech demo, I had positioned a truckload of similar tilesets. Those bluish/greyish square blocks are not hand picked. I did not make that work in the level editor. I got inspired by the Smart Tile Objects tutorial by HeartBeast. I simply downloaded the Square Blocks Textures from, cut and pasted a bit in…


My Game Development setup

Not relevant anymoreThings changed quite a bit and thought I’m still using the same notebook, I’m now a happy Windows 10 user running GameMaker Studio 2. I use Linux only when compiling via VirtualBox. I’ll keep this short and sweet. Whenever I tell people that I have a notebook, they usually reply with something like…