Updates as of 2018-08-22 – The Metroid-like project(s)
So I was working on a small Metroid-like game in GameMaker Studio 2. Then one day I thought: what if I wrote a book about how I made it? Maybe I could attach the whole GameMaker Studio 2 source project to the book. It might be useful to others and it might even pay some of my bills (and make me an author as a nice side effect).

And so I decided to write an ebook. I’m aiming for less than 200 pages but as of now I can’t be sure about that. There’s a lot to write about. But there’s one issue with this grandiose plan.

One thing I need to take care of, is the graphics. I took the graphics from another project I bought on the Scirra store (the Construct software developers) because:
- I thought I was just going to build a game in GMS2 and release it
- I loved this graphics
- I asked the authors and they told me the Construct project could be dissected to be re-purposed in GameMaker Studio 2 as long as I didn’t redistribute the graphics in any reusable way.
So it’s still ok to use that graphics for a complete game but it’s not ok for me to redistribute it in a reusable way (i.e. I can’t sell/give away the source code with that graphics). Which is expected, reasonable and correct.
In short, as soon as I will finish the game (using that graphics), I will need to re-make the whole project with either more permissive-licensed assets or with brand new graphics (made specifically for the book project).
I’m inclined to hire an artist and make brand new graphics but we’ll see how it all pans out.
I’ll post more updates soon.
P.S. The doors/hatches graphics I’m using is made by Luis Zuno aka ansimuz. His Warped Caves asset pack can be downloaded for free. Check his Patreon page as well as his Itch.io page. He makes lovely pixels.