Moving Blocks – Platformer Engine Updates
Here’s a small gif showing what I’m working on. It’s about pushing and carrying movable objects (which in turn can move and carry other movables).

The coming article will explore a fundamental concept of programming: recursion. Due to its length and complexity, it’s going to take a while for me to publish it. It’s code is not among the most readable as well but I’ll try to write it as clear as possible.
As you might notice from the above gif, there are some blocks with a yellow border. Those blocks are sticky and if the underlying block cannot carry them, they stop the carrier’s movement as well. This doesn’t mean that you cannot move them directly though. I might change this behavior to make them “fully glued“. We’ll see.
I’m actively working to support slopes as well but this will increase the difficulty a bit. Stay tuned 🙂
Thank you very much for the articles. Implementing some of your code was the only way I could fix my engine on the “one-way paltforms” problem in GMS 2. Please continue, I’m looking forward for the moving platforms and pushing blocks articles.
The way you teach is very clear and understandable. Unfortunatelly, the blog format may keep away some people that usually use videos to learn. Also, it’s harder to find in searches for code helping.
Thank you again, looking forward for the next steps.
Thanks Felipe, I’m writing the moving platform article! It’s taking me longer than anticipated, and I’m sorry about that, but please bear with me! You’re right that video tutorials are faster and I myself learned a lot, in the beginnings, mainly via videos. After I finish with this series, I might consider doing some video recordings. Just in case you wanna receive the updates via mail, you can sign up via the form (somewhere in the sidebar, I guess) or check back here in a couple of weeks (I’ll try to finish before that but I cannot make any promise).
Take your time, it’s really quality stuff so far