Kren Devlog #2 – Officially looking for a (Pixel) Artist
Today I started posting around forums. I’m looking for an artist. I have no artistic skills whatsoever; I cannot draw tilesets, sprites, animations… let alone concept art.
Kren Development has been suspendedThis game is no longer being actively developed. A somewhat updated project (source) will be made available to my Patrons.
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My primary objective would be to prototype the game with graphics.
I still don’t know if this is going to be a commercial project or not.
Should it become a viable commercial game there could be many options. Here are just some of them
Prototype’s used to get funding. Then…The artist remains the same, becoming the final game artist. Gets what is due to him/her, plus revenues shares.The artist changes; prototype art won’t be used; he/she will get no revenues shares but will get what is due to him/her.
Prototype’s not a prototype anymore and is ready to market; no more funding necessary. Artist remains the same so revenue share model apply.Project gets cancelled. No one gets anything (this should not happen! at all costs!) Artist is free to use his/her art however he/she sees fit.Project is released as freeware (unlikely). Same as above.
The project is going for the commercial route. It’s now a revenue share work relationship.
Right now I’m unable to test the mechanics, to think about what works and what doesn’t; to imagine the game world. I need to quickly place things in the levels, test them and get an emotional response as to what works and what doesn’t.
That statement is a dramatic exaggeration. But you get the idea.
As of now, everything you see in the image below, except the blocks tilesets, were drawn by me. Ideally, this should change.

Right now I’m working full-time on this project.
- I will be trying to help the artist as much as I’m able to, given my limited artistic skills.
- The game will have a resolution of 384 x 216.
- Player will be more or less 36px tall.
- The current game art won’t be used as a basis (thank god!)
Beware: the game videos/images are only there to show collisions and other tech aspect. The overall feeling of the game is going to differ drastically. Think Super Metroid (there, I said it).
This won’t be an action packed game.
In fact, when I think about it, I think about words like
- solitude
- isolation
- mysterious
- unearthly
- uncanny
- dark
- ghostly
- unnatural
- dangerous
If you would like to collaborate, have comments or want to share your thoughts, leave a comment or get in touch via social networks etc.
Use the contact form I set up