Blog update

I’m currently working on this blog; fine tuning WordPress and the theme so it might look a bit off for a while. I got to the point where it took 10 seconds to load the homepage so I’m now considering switching theme, changing layout and I’m even considering using another platform. If you know any…

Xubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus out now. RAM usage Minimal vs Desktop

Xubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus out now. RAM usage Minimal vs Desktop

Before downloading the Desktop image of Xubuntu 16.04 take a look at these pictures. Notice the RAM usage. Full Xubuntu Desktop is 270 MB while the Minimal Xubuntu setup is 192 MB. I’m not a math genius, but I can see what’s going on here… This is the mini.iso with Xubuntu Minimal installed. My choice I…

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid – Issues with external monitor and Ati Radeon card

I’m re-posting this because, apparently, there’s still someone who’s looking for this post. So here it is, from the original post I made some years ago. After an upgrade I had issues with tearing and waves corrupting the desktop on my external monitor (no issues on my laptop screen). I decided to format and reinstall…

How to rename your WordPress database tables prefix after the installation

How to rename your WordPress database tables prefix after the installation

It’s really easy. You just need a plugin: Change DB Prefix Make a backup of your database (and maybe your wp-config.php) Make sure the webserver owns the whole WordPress directory (i.e. if you’re using Apache Web Server and your WordPress files resides inside /var/www/, just make sure to sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ Also issue a sudo…

Convert your WordPress Database Charset and Collation to utf8

Convert your WordPress Database Charset and Collation to utf8

In the wp-config.php file there are two lines that define your MySQL database charset and collation. define( ‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’ ); define( ‘DB_COLLATE’, ‘utf8_general_ci’ ); These lines should match those of your database but it’s not always like that; maybe you want to migrate the database content into another one (which is CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE…

Google Cloud vs Amazon AWS – WordPress Performance

Google Cloud vs Amazon AWS – WordPress Performance

Whenever I say this WordPress blog is hosted in the cloud, people automagically assume I’m using Amazon AWS. Wrong! I’m using Google Compute Engine and let me show you why. Setup: These were the plugins I installed, activated and configured in both instances. Akismet: 3.1.5 Bulk Images to Posts: 3.3 BulkPress: 0.3.4 Google XML Sitemaps:…