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How I positioned the tileset in my tech demo
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Devlog #1 – GameMaker: Studio new Project
This entry marks the first entry of a new Devlog Series. I’m currently working on a couple of GameMaker projects and I thought it might be useful to document my development process. I’ve been inspired to do so by reading the Loadworld Devlog PT. 2 by @ZackBellGames
Optimizing Collision Code
As I said in a previous post about my platformer engine (the one I’m working on for Fuzeboy), I’m using Zack Bell‘s code as a base. Recently I started to look into ways to optimize such code without losing the functionality (slopes are a big feature of that simple collision/movement code). And as someone once told…
Fuzeboy – Status Update – [9 AUG 2017]
As some of you might know, Fuzeboy’s project scope changed considerably during its development. There’s been an overhaul of features, specifications, goals and deadlines. Originally thought to be a quick mobile only game, we then shifted our vision a bit to make it playable on desktops as well; now we decided to abandon the mobile…
Testing the platformer engine I’ve been working on
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Fuzeboy devlog – Fair death system
Don’t you hate it when, during a death animation/sequence, your character accidentally touches a powerup or a health pack… and then it dies anyway?! This is what we wanted to avoid in Fuzeboy: unfairness. If you catch a heart during the final knockback, you will have another shot at it.