Free GameMaker Platfomer Tutorial Soon

Free GameMaker Platfomer Tutorial Soon

I’m working on a free basic platformer tutorial. I’ll post a youtube video and a blog post as soon as I manage to complete it, edit the video and voice-over it. For this project I’ll be using freely available tiles and sprites: I’ve just made some minor edits to the player sprite…

Blog update

I’m currently working on this blog; fine tuning WordPress and the theme so it might look a bit off for a while. I got to the point where it took 10 seconds to load the homepage so I’m now considering switching theme, changing layout and I’m even considering using another platform. If you know any…


Book Update – 2018-09-01 – It’s taking shape

So I found an artist willing to collaborate with me on my GameMaker Studio 2 book. Thank God I can work with him once again! He’s the most talented Pixel Artist around. He knows about game development and the whole process and he can draw pretty much everything you throw at him. I bet you…


Dark Titan – Battle Over Fire

So, in response to this hilarious tweet by Burrito Tim, I’m officially naming my 2D Sci-Fi Action Adventure Platformer, Dark Titan – Battle Over Fire! Indies, not sure what to call your next game? Pick any of the red tiles: — Burrito Tim (@Burrito_Tim) 22 August 2018 Here it is in all its glory. Well……

Screen Tearing / Wavy Effect in GameMaker Studio 2 (using Surfaces)

After playing Environmental Station Alpha, I decided I wanted to implement the screen tearing effect Hempuli is using in his game. I didn’t know how he achieved it so I had to start from scratch and think about different approaches. Knowing nothing about shaders, I was left with surfaces. I jotted down some code and…

Guide to develop low resolution 2D platformers with smooth movement and pixel perfect collisions in GameMaker Studio 2 (with slopes)

This guide explores the ins and outs of making low resolution 2D Platformers with both pixel perfect, precise collisions (with slopes) and sub-pixel, smooth sprite movements. Turns out you CAN have smooth low res graphics.

A little update

Since I now have a full-time job, I removed my Patreon page and my silly “donations” form. I also ordered a brand new notebook; it’s ridiculously powerful so I can run GameMaker Studio 2 with no lag (and in Full HD resolution). Lately I found myself willing to create content but the very same job…

What’s next

Now that I have a full time job, I need to re-assess my priorities. Game development will always be a part of my life but in a lighter, brighter and smarter way. I’m focusing exclusively on my own projects while keeping an open approach for the future. I have no immediate plans on releasing or…